Joy McCreary for GUSD School Board
Friends, family, and fellow community members,

As you may know, I recently announced my candidacy for a seat on the GUSD School Board. I’m running to bring a fresh, positive outlook to the Board and to enact the sort of educational policy change that has driven me for as long as I can remember.

Running for any elected office is an investment. Already I have seen how much my biggest supporters are willing to give me their time, support, and, yes, money, to ensure I have a successful run.

Every dollar counts. I am challenging an incumbent, which means I will need to work hard to get my name and my ideas out there. Those of you who know me well will understand that I welcome this challenge. Nevertheless, I will need all the help I can get to overcome the many obstacles that I will face in this election.

Every contribution, large or small, will go towards outreach and ensuring the community knows I am here to advocate, work hard, and make some change.

I am constantly reminded that no one gets anywhere alone. Thank you for your time, love, and support.

Always yours,
Joy McCreary
Joy McCreary for GUSD School Board
$2,734 raised from 32 pledges and donations
13% of $20,000 goal