I’m a proud Evanstonian and my family has had roots in this community for over four generations. I have lived here for over 49 years and started my family in this awesome city. Evanston is the home of great public education, a beautiful Lakefront, exceptional local shopping and restaurants. And one can't forget our most important commodity, our RESIDENTS. Evanston is a remarkable place to live but as with anything it can be better.
As an Alderperson , I pledge that I will work with the council to create a safer, healthier and more prosperous city. As I stated when appointed and continue to say, Evanston is a wonderful place to live with rich diversity and caring citizens,
My goals are the following:
- Improving Public Safety-Working closely with the police department and public to create safer living conditions. Collectively we can mitigate the ills that plague our community.
- Fostering Community Engagement- By bringing the community together to share our richly diverse environment, Evanston is where we live,work and play. I also want to make sure residents stay informed and engage in city business.
- Ensuring Fiscal Responsibility- Work to create new processes that provide transparent priorities for the city. Ie. timelines, rubrics and operations...
- Fighting for Equity and Inclusion- Help to protect all citizens from harm and unjust processes and policies.ie. affordable housing, workplace fairness.
Will you join me in creating a safe, and prosperous community we can all be proud of? I am asking you to make a contribution, no amount is too small to make a difference. Additionally, I am asking you to sign up to volunteer via my website, www.krissieharris.com . The website will also accept your contribution or you can mail a check to Krissie Harris 2nd ward/ 2216 Greenwood Evanston, IL 60201.
I look forward to working with 2nd ward constituents, businesses and all residents to move Evanston forward.
Thank you