Thank you for your contribution to our campaign, together we can ignite positive change in this city, fight corruption and empower our communities to run for public office. I am a 5th generation, Angeleno, my parents, and grandparents both from CD10 as well as myself born and raised in Council District 10, I have spent the last third of my life volunteering and organizing in the district. My heart and soul resides in our CD10 neighborhoods, now I am 19 and I am passionate and determined to give back to the community where I learned the values of respect, perseverance, culture, unity and fighting for what's right, which to me is for the people to my right and left, my neighbors.
Lily 4 LA 2020 believes in a city that values the needs and ideas of our families, hard-working residents and rising young adults that tend to be overlooked. Our neighborhoods are not leveraged for dealmakers and developers. I am running to encourage a shift in LA politics. This is a unique campaign, a grassroots campaign; no money from lobbyists, real estate developers or corporations is being accepted for this campaign. This city needs honest and fearless people in office who will fight corruption, focus on community engagement, job growth, economic empowerment and improving the quality of life for the everyday Angeleno by
Protecting our neighborhoods from gentrification, rapid development, and displacement
Apply real service-based solutions to the housing crisis and homelessness
Invest in our communities by providing job opportunity and implement targeted/local hiring policies,
Fixing our infrastructure providing city services in all neighborhoods
Increase youth programs and community events
Support small business and increase green space, and youth engagement events, also appreciating and emphasizing the arts and culture, in our unique Council District 10