Nara BOONE for Maui County Council

I agreed to run for Maui County Council because I, like so many other long-time residents, have had enough. Enough of watching our way of life be traded for the “almighty dollar.” Enough of watching family and friends move away for better opportunities. Enough of the overpopulation of roads and beaches and waterfalls, stripping the islands of precious resources. Enough!

I agreed to run because I am of this community and I’m confident my raised voice will be that of The People, NOT Developers.

I agreed to run because Housing is a Human Right. Period.

I agreed to run because too many families are struggling to survive here; struggling to afford food, utilities, gas and rent. Struggling to maintain a sense of connection to the lands our seeds and placentas and bones are buried in. Struggling to purchase housing that is true to its “Affordable” label. We need more renewable energy, food that’s grown (not flown) here, and better jobs that move us away from tourism/servitude and towards abundance and independence. Towards THRIVING.

I agreed to run because too many residents are being killed alongside our roadways, like my father, John “Chico” Boone, was in 1996. We need more Complete Streets and Greenways to keep people safe; more protection for our loved ones cycling or walking or sleeping in their cars.

I agreed to run because my mother, Tina “The Midwife” Garzero, taught me the sacredness of childbirth. During this pandemic, I watched women struggling to find suitable accommodations for labor and delivery, torn between hospital restrictions and high demand for midwives. The creation of a Birth Center and Breast Milk Bank will empower women to have the birth experience they desire and give babies stable nourishment the recent formula shortage threatened to take away.

I agreed to run because my sons can’t visit the stream where their grandmother’s ashes are scattered. And because too many others know that same reality. Cut off from shorelines and hunting grounds, foraging areas and places valued for practicing Hawaiian protocol. We know the grief from greed and privatization. We need to preserve what Open Spaces we have left.

I agreed to run because we—as a county—deserve so much more than to struggle. And it’s our job to look out for each other. Please vote for Nara BOONE. A vote for me IS a vote for our COMMUNITY.

I know times are hard. I appreciate any amount donated to help make this a successful campaign.

Nara Boone
$1,500 raised from 4 pledges and donations
7% of $20,000 goal